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Chapter 18
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“You can’t build a reputation on what you’re going to do.” – henry ford

Alright, now, get out there and brand your brewery! Just kidding. Sort of…

Our hope with this guide is that you not only understand what branding and positioning are; we also want you to understand the important role they play in making your brewery stand out. People are emotional beings, and solid branding encourages them to make that initial leap—to pick a beer up off the shelf, to order it on draft, to introduce it to their family and friends as a special thing they discovered.

This guide started out as a way to outline the key challenges we tackle when working with breweries. But on a deeper level, this is the process we want every craft brewery to go through, no matter their concept, size, or budget. We don’t care about the possibility of an impending beer “bubble”, or headline grabbing acquisitions, or backhanded Super Bowl commercials. All we care about is enjoying amazing beer.

Take stock of what you have. List out your core values. Figure out what makes you stand out from your competition. Make sure your customers understand why you exist. Do your labels look awesome? Is your website useful? Is your beer delicious? How are you going to grow in a manner consistent with your brand? When you wrestle with these ideas, you’re on the right path to creating a vibrant company that craft beer fans will be proud to support.

Be sure to drop us a line if you ever need help with any of this. Or if you ever need help with taste testing your beer. We’re good at that too.

Good luck, and cheers!